Happy Halloween! Waves were a creepy 2-3 ft. with boo-takular faces inviting ghoulish slashes from the undead. The water was a gruesome green with hair-raising glassy conditions. If you have any wicked pics surfing in a costume, please share it with us.
Non-stop fun little peelers... Waves were 2-3 ft. with clean open faces. The water was smooth and the winds are light. Get down here, bring your Gopro and get shots like this of your trip to Nicaragua!
Yes... Small is fun! Waves were 1-2 ft. with soft shoulders. The water is warm with a light onshore wind creating slight bump. Big or small, if you were surfing here.. You were in Nicaragua!
Chocolate is delicious.. The swell was small with a hint of brown 1-2 ft. waves and lined up sections. The ocean had some river run off giving the brown color and the winds were light off shore. It's all about having a good time whatever the size of the waves!
Waves were chest to neck heigh 2-3 ft. with clean faces you only dream about. The water is still warm with a smooth ocean surface and light off shore breeze. Right now is the perfect time to be here in Popoyo!
Have you ever wanted to surf a slab grinding left? Nica has it and it was 2-4 ft shacks all day. The winds were light off shore and the boys were trading waves all day. "Yew..." is the international sound of stoke and it's was used a lot today. The waves were firing 3-5 ft with clean faces to rip. The winds were classic Nica light off shore.
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January 2020
Surf Breaks